
An amateur of fantasy, an imaginary worlds type.


My passion for fantasy have begun when i was in college. If i had an interest for legends and mythologies, it was with the french comics Percevan by Philippe Luguy i’ve really enter in its. After i’ve readed Tolkien, Howard, games-books, and in high school, i’ve played at role playings games like Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer for board games.

After high school, my interestet has continued and i wanted to write and share about its. That have begun with forums and a first website/blog. This project was little and the realization wasn’t very good, because i didn’t have skills at this time and used an online service.

In 2008 after my webdesigner formation, we had the advice to make a CV website or a website on one of our hobbies to prove our skills. if i began with the CV website, i’ve decided after to create a new project about fantasy. I desired always to write, to share about its and with my formation i had skills and tools to make its. So Dol Celeb, my website about fantasy, mythologies, legends borned.

In 2015, i’ve begun another project in parallel of Dol Celeb. Arxania is its name and that’s a steampunk-fantasy universe creation. I’m working on all aspects of this universe, because i want to make its rich and complete. If it can be a crossmedia universe, literary form should be the main. For moment i pursue to work on universe and i’ve begun to write the first chapters.


Skill domains



  • 2015 : Followed certificate of fantasy MOOC by Artois university.
  • 2006-2007 : Licence in Applied Arts, Université de Nîmes (France).

